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Sale, Houses, Family, 0m2

Type: sale houses Toužim

Condition of the house: good

3 350 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Villas, 0m2

Type: sale villas Telč

Condition of the villa: good

Discount 4%
12 950 000,- Kč
12 450 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 0m2

Type: sale houses Praha 6 Řepy

Condition of the house: very good

16 950 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 0m2

Type: sale houses Běrunice

Condition of the house: before reconstruction

2 499 990,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Villas, 0m2

Type: sale villas Praha 5

Condition of the villa: very good

137 212 731,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Turnkey, 0m2

Type: sale turnkey Petřvald

Condition of the house: very good

6 240 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 202m2

Type: sale houses Ořechov

Condition of the house: after reconstrunction

11 490 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 65m2

Type: sale houses Ovčáry

Condition of the house: good

3 590 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Cottages, 135m2

Type: sale cottages Nové Losiny

Condition of the cottage: very good

Information about price at Realtor

Sale, Houses, Family, 332m2

Type: sale houses Žďár

Condition of the house: good

Discount 11%
8 990 000,- Kč
7 990 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 65m2

Type: sale houses Praha 10 Uhříněves

Condition of the house: good

13 995 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 221m2

Type: sale houses Čenětice

Condition of the house: new building

Discount 6%
15 950 000,- Kč
14 950 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 147m2

Type: sale houses Stříbro

Condition of the house: good

6 500 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 114m2

Type: sale houses Pečky

Condition of the house: new building

7 550 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 107m2

Type: sale houses Pečky

Condition of the house: new building

6 900 000,- Kč
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